Costco Braun Shaver, Series 8 Clean & Charge System

Costco sells the Braun Series 8 shaver for a sale price of $99.99. Scroll for photos. This is a big discount from its regular price of $169.99. That’s over 40% off if you’re shopping for a new shaver. Costco has sold almost all the series in the past (specifically series 3 & 5 I’ve seen). Now they’ve got one of the newest one….Series 8 (Series 9 link below). Braun currently sells it on their website for $229.99, but you can get it at Costco for just under $100. The reviews are great too! Costco users gave it a 4.4/5 with over 1,400 reviews. It’s got all the new features & attachments you could want in a shaving system. Here are a few more details about this Costco Braun Shaver…….

  • Both Wet and Dry Shave
  • Built-in Responsive Intelligence
  • Sonic Technology Delivers Micro-Vibrations
  • 20% more battery vs. Series 7
  • Recommended by the Skin Health Alliance
  • Model: 8370cc

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here. 

Braun Series 8 Shaver at Costco

These electric shavers have come along way since the first models. I remember trying my first electric shave about 20 years ago. My skin was so sensitive since I was knew to shaving & the electric one chewed me up. These new ones are really impressive with how close & smooth they get. It can fit in every nooks and cranny & speed up your morning routine. This is a great gift for all the Dad’s out there. If he’s in need of a new shaving system, take a look at this highly rated shaver. For $99.99 this is a no brainer if you’re in the market. If you’d like to comparison shop & check out some other HIGHLY RATED shavers, make sure to check these out……

Price: $99.99 (sale) $169.99 (regular), Item Number: 1282338

3 thoughts on “Costco Braun Shaver, Series 8 Clean & Charge System”

  1. hi whats the difference between a series seven a series eight and series nine braun shavers i have seven and find it really noise hard on the ears tks

  2. Braun electric shavers are best. My brother has thick curly hairs. He even used Braun shaver to shave his head. They work best on head also.

    • Good to know Mike. Glad you enjoy the Braun Shavers. These new models really are impressive compared to some of the older models. Thanks for the comment


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