Costco Homedics Humidifier, Warm & Cool Mist

Costco sell this Homedics Humidifier for $59.99. It is currently on sale from it’s regular price of $79.99. Scroll down for photos! This is on sale all the way until December 24th. It is the perfect time of the year to scoop one of these up. We tend to use ours in winter when we’ve got stuffy noses & want a good nights sleep. We’ve had a humidifier for years & use it off & on. Where it really came in handy was when we had a kid. Our kiddo had a few stuffy noses within the first hew months. Having a humidifier in his room was a HUGE help. It helped him breathe MUCH better thus giving him & us a better nights sleep. Our humidifier only had an ON/OFF switch with a dial to turn up the mist. This Costco Homedics Humidifier has tons of features compared to ours. Check out the details here……

  • Homedics Warm & Cool Mist Humidifier
  • Dual Tanks: 2 Gallon Capacity
  • 12 – 120 Hour Runtime, based on mist settings
  • Programmable Digital Humidistat
  • Auto Off Timer
  • Clean Tank Technology
  • Accessories Included: 2 Aroma Pads, 2 x 2 ml Bottles of Essential Oil, 2 Demineralization Cartridges

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here. 

Costco Humidifier, HoMedics Total Comfort Ultrasonic

Honestly, these things are GREAT when you need them. I know when I come down with something, it’s nice to have a humidifier in the house. The last thing you want to do is go out & buy one when you’re not feeling well. Plus I know some of us are sensitive to dry air, so it’s even better to have a humidifier that can run up to 120 hours! The only pain is making sure to keep it clean & dry when not in use. The last thing you want is mold to get inside & then spread it throughout the air. Make sure to read the reviews on Costco’s website. The reviews are mediocre (3.5/5) & the biggest complaint is filling the tanks. You may want to check out the links below before purchasing! If you are going to buy one make sure to get another humidistat to place in the room. This will measure the humidity in the air for you & you can place it in different locations without having to move the humidifier. Check out the HIGHEST RATED humidistat here as well as other HIGHLY RATED humidifiers……

Price: $59.99 (sale) $79.99 (regular), Item Number: 1415860

3 thoughts on “Costco Homedics Humidifier, Warm & Cool Mist”

  1. Our Homedics humidifier only seems to work at settings 55 and CO. Gets stuff wet. Uses 2 gallons of water in one night. Any lower setting and nothing comes out. I like all the features, but I am going to return it to Costco. I am sure it is too late in the season for them to have any stock.

    • Sorry to hear. I had a similar issue when I had my humidifier turned WAY up. It put out so much mist that it would get stuff wet. Similar to yours. I ended up turning the settings down & not having it near anything in the room. We also had a fan on low that really helped. I know you said “nothing” comes out on the lower settings, but are you completely sure. Sometimes it’s very difficult to see the mist, but it does come out. Try using a bright light to see if you can see mist. If not, then a return is always easy. Sorry you had issues. They are still in stock. Thanks for letting me know!


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