Costco Security Light, Home Zone LED Outdoor Light

Costco sells this Home Zone LED Security Light for $29.99! Scroll down for photos. It’s currently on sale for $10 off the original price of $39.99. These light are great to have around your property. I know we’ve had a string of car break-ins where I live & people have started installing these outdoor lights. They really do work great. They can be a little annoying sometimes if you are trying to get the sensitivity adjusted properly. Sometimes you get the false positives, but it’s worth peace of mind. It can be a little startling if you’re the one outside. I’ve walked up a few driveways at night before, only to feel like I got hit with a direct shot from the sun! At 4000 Kelvin, this is sure to light up a large area. Here are a few more details about this Costco Security Light…….

  • 240° Motion detection sensor with up to 70 ft. range
  • 3 lamp heads for increased light coverage
  • Easy install, Wall or Eave Mount
  • Motion activated or manual on/off override
  • Adjustable LUX setting
  • Sensitivity adjustment
  • Time delay selection from 1 min to 7 min
  • Durable aluminum die cast light head
  • Energy Star certified
  • 5 Year Warranty
  • Manual: Home Zone LED Security Light Model: MK-SC0108

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Costco Home Zone LED Security Light

Remember that this item is a hardwired security light & not the solar. If you can avoid using the solar light I would. The batteries tend to go bad & they seem like they have more issues than these hard-wired ones. They currently sell these on Costco’s website for $10 more. They are on sale, but they are $39.99 online to account for shipping. Grab them in store if you can! The reviews are great too! It’s got a 4.5/5 star rating with over 475 reviews! If you can’t find it in store or want to comparison shop, make sure to check out these HIGHLY RATED security lights……..

Price: $29.99 (sale), $39.99 (regular), Item Number: 1600041

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14 thoughts on “Costco Security Light, Home Zone LED Outdoor Light”

  1. Purchased 4 of the two light units approx 8 years ago. Already have had to replace three units.
    Can not say that they are a top quality item.

  2. I bought the 2 light version about 4 years ago, want to replace it with a Ring light/cam, but there are no external screws on the base. An electrician i stalled it when my garage was built. Any ideas how to remove the old one?

  3. I have two of these lights that I installed about 9 months ago. All was well until the other day when we noticed the motion sensor light working but the lights don’t come on. I took them down to check wiring and nothing seems out of place. Tried to set them to manual mode to see if the lights would even come on and no response. Are they faulty?? Any thoughts?

    • Of all the motion sensor lights I’ve installed, their motion sensor electronics sooner or later, gives away, either having the lights stay on, not turn on, or sensor becoming erratic.

      I’ve had the bulbs of a halogen based still in working condition when the sensors stopped working properly.

      • Thanks random guy! It’s only matter of time before these units need replacing. You are right. They are usually exposed to the elements & therefore take a beating. Most are not designed to withstand the year over year abuse. They are also relatively inexpensive enough to replace every year or 2. I know that’s not what people want to hear but it’s just the way it is

    • If the lights stopped working, then yes. That’s what I miss about bulbs as opposed to the new LED lights. When a light like this breaks, you have to replace the whole unit as opposed to just the bulb. It would be nice if they start making units with easily replaceable LED’s. Some units do allow it. Have you opened up the unit to see if you can simply replace the LED?

  4. You can check the specifications, I doubt you are opened “Manual Override” feature。Just turn off after 15 seconds, then turn on the switch, adjust to AUTO mode.

  5. Hi, I purchased these lights from Costco’s a little over a year ago. I’m having an issue with one of the lights. I first set the for 7 minutes but it stays on continuously and I then set it for only 1 minute again it stays on continuously. Why is this happening? Please let me know?

    • These light’s sensors eventually becomes like that, no matter which brand and model. The bulbs last longer than the rest of the unit. If you are not satisfied, you can return it. Or you can claim through the credit card’s extended warranty. Or just throw it out and buy a better and newer one.

      • Thanks dogbone. Could be the motion sensor is busted and always shows as “motion”. No way for the user to know this without taking it apart. Anyways, thanks for the tip

    • Is there any chance that it keeps detecting movement, thus resetting the timer? You can also adjust the motion sensor angle which might help. These units can be finnicky, so you just need to keep playing with it. Try completely disconnecting it too, which should reset the unit. Let me know if you end up figuring it out.

    • You can check the specifications, I doubt you are opened “Manual Override” feature。Just turn off after 15 seconds, then turn on the switch, adjust to AUTO mode.


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