You know you’ve hit a new stage in your life when you get excited about seeing a good deal on succulents. These Costco succulents come in a 3 pack & you get to mix and match between Jade & Aloe (scroll for photos). They come in a nice looking pot, that is either blue or pink. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern with how they are packaged because the Jade or Aloe are in either color pot. I don’t mean to be nit picky here, but it does seem odd to only get 2 types of succulents in a 3 pack. It would make more sense to get 3 types of succulents in a 3 pack, but that’s just me being picky. Mix & match between Jade & Aloe and grab a 3 pack for $19.99. These Costco succulents are grown & produced by Rocket Farms. As far as the succulents go, they sometimes fall under other common names as listed below………
- Aloe Vera – species of Aloe, also known as: True Aloe. Chinese Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Wand of Heaven, Mediterranean Aloe, Burn Aloe
- Jade Plant – species of Pigmyweeds, also know as: Dollar Plant, Lucky Plant, Money Plant, Money Tree
Costco Succulents, 3 pack
Honestly, this pack of 3 Costco Succulents is a great deal! They would look great just about anywhere in the house or you can create a fancy gift set with them. It comes out to under $7 for the succulent & the nice looking pot. You would be hard pressed to find the plant alone at the big box stores for that price. These are great for those of you who don’t have a green thumb. I ignored my aloe vera for months (in a pot) & all the leaves turned brown. I pulled them all off & in just a few weeks after a good watering there were multiple new aloe vera plants growing & it’s looking quite healthy (scroll for photos).
*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.
Now if you’re not a fan of Jade & Aloe, you REALLY should check out these succulents on Amazon. They’re not quite as mature, but you get a 20 pack of fully rooted live succulents. You get a few more options to choose from as well as 20 of them! They are much smaller than the Costco succulents, so this would be for someone more interested in growing & re-potting from time to time. Check them out here…….
Price: $19.99, Item Number: 1428914
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