Costco Woven Stack Chair, Commercial Outdoor Chairs

Costco sells this Commercial Woven Stack Chair for $89.99. Scroll down for photos. It’s that time of the year where Costco is putting all their outdoor products out on the floor. I’ve seen the Outdoor Barcalounger Set, as well as a few other items, but this was new to me. It’s not as comfortable as the Barcalounger set, but this fills another need. It is a comfortable and affordable chair, that can be moved & stored away easily. I was surprised at how comfortable the resin wicker was & it was also surprisingly light. These are affordable at $90 each and look like they are built to last. The nice thing about these is you can easily store them away for winter & they won’t take up much space because they are stackable. Here are a few more details about this Costco Woven Stack Chair……..

  • Commercial Quality
  • No Rust Aluminum Frame
  • Powder Coat Finish
  • All Weather Resin Wicker
  • Stackable

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Costco Commercial Resin Wicker Woven Stackable Chair

If you’re looking to buy a new set of chairs for your deck, this is a great option. You can get 4 for under $400. If you’ve been shopping around for outdoor furniture, you know they can get a little pricey. These will last you a long time & still be comfortable for everyday use. You can see the sign says to go to Costco online, but they don’t currently sell these online. I only saw them at one Costco, so I’m not sure how available these are. You can see they only had a stack of about 12 – 15 left. I’m guessing these won’t be on the shelves for very long because this was their most affordable outdoor chair. If you can’t find these at Costco, or want to compare some HIGHLY RATED outdoor wicker chair sets, make sure to check these out……..

Price: $89.99, Item Number: 1902230

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8 thoughts on “Costco Woven Stack Chair, Commercial Outdoor Chairs”

  1. Hi I was looking forward to commercial woven stackable chair outdoor where can I get two at I’m a Costco member thank you so much

    • I have seen these on the shelves recently. These are back in stock so make sure to keep checking your local Costco. Hope that helps. You can also have them look this item up by item number and see if they have any around you

  2. I need to order one of these chairs, I currently have three that I purchased at Costco and they are out of stock. Please let me know how to order one of these please!

    Thanks Harold Bowman

    • Unfortunately I haven’t seen these on the shelves in about a month. You may want to check with your local Costco & ask them to locate this item for you. Grab the model numbers from this post above & they may be able to locate some for you. I’m glad you enjoy them & let me know if you find them.

    • Unfortunately no, they are not sold online. Costco has some other stackable chairs for sale, but not these woven ones. They were in store only & probably a much better price in-store too. You can always ask your local Costco if they have any in stock or near you. Just grab the product number from above. I hope that helps


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