Costco Topo Chico Mineral Water, 24 Count, 20 Ounces

Costco sells this 24 count of Topo Chico for $23.99. Scroll down for photos. It was nice to see Costco start carrying Topo Chico Mineral Water. Yes, this stuff is expensive, but it’s nice to have in the refrigerator for social gatherings or a nice weekend treat. My wife & I have the Perfect Water Filter installed in our house. It’s a reverse osmosis system artesian system that we absolutely love! It has made us particular about our water. That’s what we like about the Topo Chico. It’s crisp & refreshing & enjoyable to drink out of an ice cold glass container. Maybe it is a little over-priced for water, but it’s a great alternative for non-drinkers to enjoy a “drink” in a social setting. Some claim it’s even healthy for you being a zero calorie mineral water. Here are a few more details about this Costco Topo Chico……

  • Brand: Topo Chico (Coca-Cola)
  • 24 Count (2 dozen)
  • 20 Ounce Bottles
  • Mineral Water: Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium & Sulfate
  • Glass Bottles
  • Made in Mexico

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Costco Topo Chico Mineral Water 24 Count, 20 Ounces

If you think all water is the same, go ahead and google “water sommelier”. You’d be surprised to find out all the different kinds of water out there and the fact that there is a “water menu” at a bar in Southern California. They import water from all over the world & serve it like they would wine / beer. Like I said above, it’s really nice to have around & enjoy a “drink” with friends, especially when you’re trying to stay sober. It comes down to around $1 / bottle when purchased at Costco. It also comes in a carbonated version as well as lime. They even make a hard seltzer. Make sure to check them out here & read some of the reviews. You may just find yourself buying some Topo Chico……

Price: $23.99, Item Number: 1048527

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