Costco Project Boxes, 5-Pack Plano Storage Box

Costco sells this 5-pack of Plano Project Boxes for $19.99. Scroll down for photos. We have a whole garage full of boxes like these we use for storage. They are slightly bigger but serve the same function. They are clear so we can see what items are in which box. It helps keep the dust … Read more

Costco Squishmallow Minis, 8-Pack Plush Set

Costco sells this 8 Pack of Squishmallow Mini’s for $20.99. Scroll down for photos. These squishmallows are very popular and Costco has had several of these models over the last year or so. One of the most popular ones they had was the Hello Kitty Squishmallow which they sold last summer. They usually have a … Read more

Costco Suncast Deck Box, 160 Gallon All-Weather Storage

Costco sells this Suncast Deck Box for $119.99. Scroll down for photos. These deck boxes are an amazing way to free up space inside the house. We own 2 of these. I purchased the Lifetime Deck Box that Costco sold last year & I purchased the Keter Deck Box that Sam’s Club sold last year. … Read more

Costco Basketball Hoop, Portable Spalding Hoop System

Costco sells this portable Spalding Basketball Hoop for $279.99 on sale! Scroll down for photos. It’s on sale right now for $70 off it’s original price of $349.99! This is a great deal for any of you looking into a portable basketball hoop. As long as you have a semi-flat driveway or area near your … Read more

Costco Foosball Table, Bayside Furnishings by Whalen

Costco sells this Bayside Furnishings Foosball Table for $419.99. Scroll down for photos. This brings back so many memories! My friends and I logged countless hours on a foosball table like this in school. It’s such a fun game to play when you have the right people. We would play 1 x 1 or 2 … Read more