Costco sells the First Alert Fire Extinguisher for $24.99 on sale! (regular price is $34.99) Scroll down for photos. These really are a must have in every house. It’s quite amazing how much fire a small extinguisher like this can put out. Check out YouTube for some examples. This extinguisher can be used on Class A, B & C fires. “A” fires are ordinary combustibles, so paper, wood, linens, etc. “B” fires are flammable liquids like grease, oil, paint solvents, etc. “C” fires are electrical equipment so electrical panel, motors, wiring, outlets, etc. It’s rated to extinguish just about everything in your house. For $25 you can put out a small house fire & help prevent your house from burning down. Here are a few more details about this Costco Fire Extinguisher……..
- Brand: First Alert Fire Extinguisher FE3A40BC
- Ideal for Heavy Duty Use
- Fits Inside Standard Fire Box (Not Included)
- Meets OSHA Requirements & Bureau of Motor Carrier Standards
- Coast Guard Approved
- Bracket Included
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First Alert Fire Extinguisher FE3A40BS, 5 LBS
These used to come in a 2 pack but now they sell them individually. If you check the back they have recommended placements. They recommend 5 for a 2 story house over the garage. If you can only afford 1 or 2 then place them where the fires are most likely to happen…..the garage or kitchen. This is where you are most likely to have a fire in the house. Make the extinguishers easily accessible & go over with your family how to operate. PASS (Pull Pin, Aim Nozzle, Squeeze Trigger, Sweep Handle). These are on sale right now for $24.99, but if you can’t find them at Costco or want them shipped, make sure to check these out on Amazon. You may also want one with a higher class rating……..
- Amerex B500, 5lb ABC Dry Chemical Class A B C Fire Extinguisher (2)
- First Alert 1038789 Standard Home Fire Extinguisher, Red
- First Alert HOME1 Rechargeable Home Fire Extinguisher 4-Pack, Red | UL Rated 1-A:10-B:C | All-Metal Fire Extinguisher with Pull Pin & Safety Seal | U.S. Coast Guard Approved for Marine Use
Price: $24.99 (sale), $34.99 (regular), Item Number: 540003
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