Costco Segway Scooter, Ninebot ES3PLUS Electric

Costco sells this Segway Scooter for $579.99. This is one of the nicest electric scooters that I’ve seen at Costco. The electric scooters are great for getting around town. My wife & I use them frequently when we go on vacation. We use the Lyft, Uber or Lime scooters to get around places & they’re so convenient. The great thing about this scooter is the 28 mile range. 28 miles is a LONG way to be on a scooter. At full throttle going 18.6 MPH, you shouldn’t run out of battery for almost 1.5 hours! If you live in a city or have a short commute to work, this is a great way to save money & go green. The Segway Scooter has a quick folding system that makes it easy to tuck away anywhere. Here are a few more details about this Costco Segway Scooter………

  • Segway Ninebot ES3PLUS Electric Kickscooter, ES3 Plus
  • Max Speed: 18.6 MPH or 30 KM/h
  • Max Range: 28 Miles or 45 Kilometers
  • Front, Rear & Bottom Customizable LED Lights
  • Quick Folding System (Great for storing at work or in an apartment)
  • Dual Braking System
  • IP45 Weather Resistant
  • Front & Rear Shock Absorption
  • Dual Lithium Ion Batteries
  • Max Payload: 220 Pounds or 100 Kilograms
  • Weight: 30 Pounds (pretty light for a dual battery electric scooter)

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Segway Scooter at Costco, Ninebot ES3PLUS

I checked Costco’s website & there are currently no reviews. The price is $20 more on the website, so it’s $599.99. I’m really curious to see what users think of this product. My guess is that this is going to be a highly rated scooter. It’s got all the specifications for a scooter built to last & people love it on Amazon! Plus Segway has been in this business for about 20 years & they’ve produced some high quality items. IF you can’t find this at your local Costco or want to comparison shop, check out these HIGHLY RATED scooters on Amazon……

Price: $579.99, Item Number: 1425466

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22 thoughts on “Costco Segway Scooter, Ninebot ES3PLUS Electric”

  1. hm, mixed feelings. people say not heavy but when you try to carry it with 1 arm it is heavy. i find he throttle somewhat finicky and difficult to keep the same speed. it does not go up hill very well. clearly the jetson bolt has better climbing (my weight 175 lbs). not sure if i return it. brakes seem not too strong but i like the regen braking. damping not very effective i find.

    update next day: my fault, i did not know how to switch to the next 2 modes which are more powerful. now that is really powerful, better than the jetson bolt i can safely say. yes, brakes are a little weak and i think wearing a helmet is a super good idea because i just went 17 mph. so far so good.

    • Thanks for coming back to give an update. Glad you were able to get the full features of the Segway. 17 MPH is fast on a scooter. I know once I hit about 12 – 13 I start getting a little concerned. A helmet is a must. I’ve seen people knock their heads pretty good going much slower. Some of the weight is probably made up because of the bigger batteries, but thanks for letting me know. Glad it worked out for you! Come back after a few months and keep me updated

  2. hm, mixed feelings. people say not heavy but when you try to carry it with 1 arm it is heavy. i find he throttle somewhat finicky and difficult to keep the same speed. it does not go up hill very well. clearly the jetson bolt has better climbing (my weight 175 lbs). not sure if i return it. brakes seem not too strong but i like the regen braking. damping not very effective i find

    • hm, mixed feelings. people say not heavy but when you try to carry it with 1 arm it is heavy. i find he throttle somewhat finicky and difficult to keep the same speed. it does not go up hill very well. clearly the jetson bolt has better climbing (my weight 175 lbs). not sure if i return it. brakes seem not too strong but i like the regen braking. damping not very effective i find.

      update next day: my fault, i did not know how to switch to the next 2 modes which are more powerful. now that is really powerful, better than the jetson bolt i can safely say. yes, brakes are a little weak and i think wearing a helmet is a super good idea because i just went 27 mph. so far so good.

  3. I just purchased this scooter for my son. He is a college student at a large university. He has been spending a lot of money renting the bird scooters. So we decided to purchase this scooter for him. It is his Christmas present. I think he will love it.

    • Awesome Cindy! I think that’s a great idea. He should be ecstatic. Those rental scooters can get very expensive if you use them everyday. This should give him a little bit more freedom too. Come back & let me know how he likes it.

  4. I have this scooter and LOVE it. Bought it from Costco in Everett, MA last year for around $599. Was in Costco again recently and saw that they switched models to the Segway Max 30GLP for $659. Thought about upgrading, but the newer one seems to look a bit heavier and has exposed brake wires. Also, when you fold the Max 30GLP, it’s does not collapse for easy storage all the way down like the ES3 Plus version does. For now I’ll be sticking with the one I already have. Plus I like the all black model and customizable LED lights on the ES3 plus that the newer Max version does not have.

    • Thanks for the insight Jonathan. Glad to hear you really like the product. Ya, this is the 2nd model I’ve seen at Costco. They seem to go in and out of stock fairly quickly so I am assuming they are pretty popular. Thanks for the comparison’s of the 2 products! I appreciate it. I just posted about the Segway Max 30GLP & I haven’t seen this model in a while. Not sure if it is discontinued or Costco just stopped carrying them. Thanks again for the review

  5. Hi everyone I just bought this Segway ninebot es3 plus at costco a few days ago and been riding it along the Provo River in utah and love this thing! The battery life lasted me about 24miles with headlight and glowing lights on. Coolest thing about it is that you can change the led light colors and lighting patterns. Folding it is pretty easy and store underneath my bed in my van (ProMaster 2500) if your curious. I did go back to costco today to get another but there all gone and no stores nearby has them either 🙁

    • Thanks so much for sharing your review Bri! 24 miles is great considering you had the lights on! I’m glad it works out great for you and stores nicely in your van. It’s a great way to save on gas & zip around places. I’m sure they’ll be in stock again, but you may have to wait. Why do you need another one?

    • I have seen this recently at Costco. I can’t remember which one, but it was within the last month. Keep checking the local stock, because is not a reflection of what they have in store. Good luck & let me know if you find one

  6. Just got one at online Costco. 599 plus tax. I love it so far. Going to use it to go to work 4 1/2 miles away.
    Very smooth ride, thanks to the front and rear shocks. Don’t hit a pot hole tho it doesn’t sound good.
    I like that it’s not very heavy at like 26-27 lbs and that it folds easily.
    The headlight is very bright and covers a large area.
    There are 3 modes. mode which, lets your cruise at the same speed if the throttle is maintained at the same level for 5 seconds
    2. Standard mode which Means you get the normal amount of takeoff speed and Max speed is 15 mph
    3. Sport mode has a noticeably quicker takeoff speed and gets you up to 18 almost 19 mph. I’m 220lbs and it got me up to 18 mph on flat pavement.

    The Segway app that u download allows you to
    1.lock it
    2.change it from kilometers to miles per hour.
    3 It also allows you to record your ride etc.
    4. Change modes (although you can do this by pressing the power button twice)
    5. Customize lights (or turn the lights off)

    Just don’t see where to buy a battery at? Couldn’t find the “es3 PLUS” battery anywhere. Perhaps it’s the same battery at the es4? Does anyone know?

    • Wow! Thanks for such a detailed review. Glad you were able to find it online. $20 is bad for shipping and handling. I’m glad you like. That’s great it is able to support 220 pounds with ease. Can I ask why you are searching for a battery? Are you looking for a replacement or to always have an extra one fully charged & ready to go?

      • Well since I’m planning on using it quite a bit I figured I should perhaps get an extra one. I feel like I read somewhere that the batteries last about 3 yrs.
        I actually found it on segways website. It’s the same one that the es4 uses. It’s like $250 bucks tho. Yikes!

        • That does seem pretty expensive for a battery. I wonder if the prices of these types of batteries will come down since we are shifting more towards electric cars & the technology seems to improve daily. Seems like buying it now might be a waste though, don’t you think? What if the battery ends up lasting longer? You’ll just have an extra battery laying around that may also go bad from no use. Up to you though. Let me know what you end up deciding

  7. I purchased my scooter last month and took it for a 10 mile ride at full throttle and arrived at my destination with 28 percent battery remaining. It’s an amazing experience. I only wish there was a turbo charge feature. I had to remain at the local business and recharge back to 65% (2 hours) IOT be confident I would make it back home.

    • That’s great to know. 20 miles is a LONG ride on a scooter! Did you have a sore back the next day or was it a fairly comfortable ride? They say it’s a 28 mile range but that must be for a very light person at half throttle. 10 miles seems a little short with only 28% left. Anyways, thanks for letting us know the real world usage.

  8. I bought one tonight, wanted a scooter for a long time. When I open it and use it, I’ll comment how it performs, but otherwise reviews look great for this model sold elsewhere. I was happy to get it with costco’s return policy being great.

    • Awesome! Please come back and tell me how you like it. I just bought my 2 year old the Chillafish Balance Bike & I was thinking of buying one of these for myself to go around the block with. I don’t mind walking, but the scooter is so much fun. Please let us know how you like the Costco Segway Scooter!


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