Costco Office Chair, Bayside Furnishings Metrex Mesh

Costco is selling this office chair for $99. Scroll for photos. I know office chairs can range from under $100 to well over $1,000, so it really depends on what your budget is. We’ve been looking to purchase a new one for months now. It’s very difficult to buy a chair when you can’t sit in it and try it out. Since we’re in the middle of a pandemic, we’re not allowed to sit down & try out furniture in the store yet. This might be a purchase we have to make without trying it out though. It’s made by Bayside Furnishings which is a common brand at Costco. They make dining room sets & tables that are very popular. I’m sure this is a decent chair & maybe for $99 it’s worth a shot. Anyways, here are a few more details about this Costco Office Chair…….

  • Bayside Furnishings Metrex Mesh Office Chair
  • Breathable Mesh Seating
  • Tilt-Lock Feature
  • Height Adjustable Seating
  • Fully Adjustable Armrests
  • Dimensions: 27″L x 26″W x 38.5 – 42.2″H
  • Model: CORC-8.5VN or CORC-8.5
  • Manual / Instructions Download Link

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here. 

Costco Bayside Furnishings Office Chair

A chair like this will normally cost between $150 – $200. This is a decent price for an office chair. The back doesn’t go as high as I would like. I’m taller so that is a slight factor for me. Costco seems to rotate different office chairs through the warehouse, so we may wait and see if anything else pops up that we like. If you want to download the instructions manual for assembly, check the link above. Costco has plenty more office chairs for sale online. They only ever have a few in store. If you’re looking for a highly rated office chair in this range, be sure to check these out on Amazon…….

Price: $99.99, Item Number: 1356013

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27 thoughts on “Costco Office Chair, Bayside Furnishings Metrex Mesh”

  1. This chair really does the job. Goes up & stays up, high enough for my 6’-2” body especially my legs. I keep the back straight up and the mesh keeps me cool in these hot southwest summers. Great chair for my working-from-home remote office.

    • Thanks James! Good to know. It’s a solid chair for just over $100. Its currently on sale on for $124.99 if anyone wants it shipped

    • It is a great chair for the money, but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to compare it to a Herman Miller. Those chairs are very high quality and last for years (like 10-15 and longer). This is a good chair for the money though

  2. Bought this chair earlier this year. Only problem, the wheels keep falling off the casters when I move the chair around. Unless there is an easy solution, I’m returning to Costco.

    • Any way you can put a dab of glue to hold them in. That seems like there should be a simple fix for keeping the casters in. That would annoy me enough to return it too. Let me know what you end up doing

      • I ended up purchasing new inline wheels off Amazon for $35…a lot tighter once they’re pushed in and a lot more mobile than the stock casters. Thankfully for the most part outside Ikea it looks like most chairs have universal caster holes, so I’d also try that if you have issues with the wheels.

        • Thanks for the heads up Nathan! That is a great tip. Can you send me a link to the wheels you purchased off Amazon? How are they working out since it’s been several weeks?

  3. Hi Costco Fan. Thank you for your work.

    I did not buy this chair when I should have. Now I can’t find it at Costco or on the website.

    Do you know if they’ll be getting it in stock again?

    Thanks again!

  4. I bought this chair last November. The problem I am having is the air leaks and the chair lowers while you are sitting to a lower position. I have to adjust it probably every hour to keep it at the high position.

    • Sorry to hear Anand. You can always take it back. That would bother me too much to keep around. It also may be difficult to replace by Bayside Furnishings & they may tell you to take it back. Thanks for letting us know & hopefully it was just a lemon. Let us know what you end up doing

      • Thanks for your reply. I reached out to Bayside furnishings and they think that the issue is a busted gasket. They took down my address and told me that they will send me a new gasket in 8-10 days

        • That’s great to know! Hopefully that is the issue & it is replaced fairly easily. Good to know that Bayside got back to you fairly quickly & hopefully resolved the issue. Let me know if that ends up being the issue & if it was an easy fix. Good luck!

          • I got the gasket yesterday and I have installed it today. Actually the disassembly was fairly easy. The screws that attaches the back and the seat was easy to remove. But to remove the old gasket, I had to hammer from the bottom to remove the base and wheels and hammer out the seat base. Once the old gasket was off, I just followed the installation sequence to put the new gasket and then screwed the seat and back to the seat base. Now the chair is as good as new. I have not noticed any issue with the gasket losing air so far. I am very happy that Bayside fixed my issue fairly and quickly. Thanks.

            • Awesome Anand! Thanks so much for the follow up! glad Bayside got back to you so quickly & that was the issue. Sounds like it wasn’t terribly difficult to replace it so that’s great! Glad it worked out for you & you didn’t have to return the chair!

  5. Bought this chair before the pandemic for occasional use and now have used it daily for the last 1.5 years. Terrible chair with no lumbar support and basically only one adjustment (up and down) – plus points are the chair is built like a tank and I don’t think will ever break. Do your research and you can get a much better chair at this price point, your lower back will thank you.

    • Thanks for the reply George. I used this chair for a while and it was OK. I thought it was good for what it was and the price point. I have since upgraded during the pandemic because my wife was working from home & I was using it a lot more. These seem like they would be better suited for a meeting room or something where they don’t get used any more than an hour or 2. The added benefit is maybe the meetings will be quicker because the chairs aren’t too comfortable =). Anyway, thanks for stopping by

    • OK. Thanks for the comment Tiffani. Sorry you had a bad experience. Nice thing is you should be able to return it without issue. Costco has several other options for office chairs. Did you try any others?

  6. If you have back problems, do not get this chair!! I have had to bring in a pillow to try and get some comfort, but my lower back hurts every day after sitting in this!!! Spend the extra money to get something that supports your back better!!

    • Thanks for the top Tiffani. I think everyone will have different comfort levels when sitting in the chair. I’m sure it depends a lot on height, weight & adjustment of the chair. Sorry you had a bad experience with this chair. I’m sure it works well for some, but unfortunately didn’t with you. Thanks for sharing that information.

  7. Nice to read your post. I read your post from beginning to end. I work 8-9 hours a day sitting in a chair, a lot of times we suffer from back pain or sore throat. I want to buy one of these chairs, which chair is better for me to buy?

    • I think it all depends on what’s most comfortable for you. I know it’s a generic answer, but I’m taller so certain chairs don’t work for me. I thought this chair was a quality option at an affordable price. If it works for you then it’s a great deal at only $99!


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