Costco Immersion Blender, Cuisinart HB-800

Costco sells this Cuisinart Immersion Blender for $34.99. Scroll down for photos. We bought one of these Cuisinart’s from Costco in the past. We love it!. It’s simple, easy to use & stores easily. I use it whenever I am making soups. One of my favorite soups to make is sweet potato & leek soup. It’s simple & comes out nice & creamy with the immersion blender. Lately, my wife has been using it to make food for our 2 year old. What she does is steam yellow & green squash & then blend it. We throw it in the refrigerator & our kid absolutely loves it as a snack. It’s a great way to get the kid to eat vegetables too. Ours has the variable motor like this one, which is great for different foods. Here are a few more details about this Costco Immersion Blender………

  • Cuisinart HB-800 or HP-800PC
  • 300W Motor
  • Variable Speed Control
  • LED-illuminated Variable Speed Control
  • All-In-One Storage Case
  • One-Touch Button with Lock and Unlock Feature

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Costco Cuisinart HB-800 Immersion Blender with Storage

If you don’t have one of these you should. When making up a large quantity of food, like pancakes & eggs, this makes blending quick & easy. Detach the head & it’s so simple to clean too. Costco currently sells it online for $42.99. That’s $8 more online, so buy it in store. They currently give it a rating of 4.1/5 with over 500 reviews. It sounds like a lot of people don’t like how the button operates. You’re supposed to press and hold the ‘Lock’ button, then press and hold the ‘On’ button and it should start operating. Anyways, make sure to check out these other HIGHLY RATED immersion blenders first……..

Price: $34.99, Item Number: 1415870

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2 thoughts on “Costco Immersion Blender, Cuisinart HB-800”

  1. My zip code 91108. Is there any near me Costco warehouse carry “Cuisinart Immersion Hand Blender with Storage Case” item #1415870? Thanks

    • It looks like you’re in the Los Angeles area. I’m located in the Bay Area of Northern California. I’ve seen this immersion blender at several Costco’s. I’m sure if you keep looking, you will find it in the LA area. Have you tried any other Costco’s you don’t normally go to. I have 5 Costco’s around me & they all seem to carry slightly different items. That’s why I like to frequent different ones from time to time. Good luck!


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