Costco Pumpkin Pie, Made with Organic Pumpkin, 58 oz

Buying the Costco Pumpkin Pie should be AT LEAST a once a year purchase. Scroll for photos. This might be my 2nd favorite Costco pie, with the Costco Apple Pie being my absolute favorite. This is another one of those items that is a no brainer to me. Pie’s from another bakery can run anywhere from $10 – $30, depending on which store you purchase from. They will be significantly smaller than this & won’t taste as good! Obviously I’m partial to Costco, but I really do enjoy their pumpkin pie. They make it with that flaky pie crust that I can’t get enough of. I believe it’s the same crust they use in their Costco Chicken Pot Pie. If you’ve never tried it before, you must try it at least once. A slice of this, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream & you’re good to go. Here are a few more details about this Costco Pumpkin Pie………

  • Made with Organic Pumpkin – 58 ounces
  • Kirkland Signature Recipe
  • Flaky Pie Crust
  • Baked in Costco’s own Bakery
  • Allergies: Contains wheat, eggs & milk

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Costco Pumpkin Pie

This pumpkin pie will stay good in the refrigerator for a few days. It’s nice because you can pick it up ahead of time & not have to worry about rushing the day of events. You can serve it warm or cold. I prefer it straight out of the refrigerator. They had this on display in the front of the store, so you know they are gearing up for the holiday season. Take a look at these pie slicers & servers. It’s always nice to serve a good looking slice of pie instead of trying to manage with a steak knife & fork (hint: my slices would end up in a bowl instead of nicely sliced on a plate)………

Price: $7.99, Item Number: 45465

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2 thoughts on “Costco Pumpkin Pie, Made with Organic Pumpkin, 58 oz”

  1. My family loves the Costco pumpkin pie and we look forward to it every year. However, this year our Costco is stocked with the organic version and it was very disappointing. The creamy flavor is gone and the pie tastes a bit grainy. Maybe this version will work for some but after heralding Costco’s pumpkin pies to all our friends and family, we’ll have to issue a disclaimer about this version – and go in search of a nearby Costco that sells the original version.

    • Oh no! Sorry to hear! Costco seems to be trending towards the healthier options with their food (organic, non-gmo, keto, gluten-free, etc). Thanks for the heads up on the pumpkin pie. They only sell the organic version in my area too. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when trying the pumpkin pie this year. I hope it doesn’t affect the Costco apple pie this year as they are also made with “organic” apples. I’ve noticed the subtle changes over the years with the apple pie so hopefully it lives up to it’s reputation this year. Thanks for the comment & good luck finding the original


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